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0:00 Class 002 Introduction Part 02

0:27 What essential Mitzvot fulfilled during prayers? Where do we fulfill the Mitzvah to Love G-d? To Unify G-d? To believe in g-d? To Know G-d?

1:52 Are we Biblically obligated to pray every day? The classic argument between Rambam and Ramban. Are prayers like an organ or like the spine?

6:47 Jacob’s ladder, the image of prayers. Why we find that in Jacob’s dream the Angels first went up and then came down? (Angels are from heaven they should come down first). Who delivers our prayers?

7:56 The four levels of prayers are symbolized by the four runged in Jacob’s ladder. The first level: Petitioning. How do we know what we need?

11:26 The second level: To judge. Self-evaluation. How can prayers help?

14:10 The third level: Hard work (Avodah). To shape and mold and to change. Overcome selfishness. Learn how to love. Something has to give for the fire to burn.

20:14 The fourth level: Connection. Becoming intimate with G-d.

22:19 The Kuzari compares prayers to the act of eating.

23:07 Praying is the Jews profession.

31:59 When was the first Siddur (prayer-book) written?

35:20 Prayer is a generator that brings everything else to life.